Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reggae Concert

There are people here from all over the world this weekend for a big music festival at one of the hotels up in the mountains.  We talked to one young lady from Denver who purchased concert tickets in Denver at $50 per day, flew here with four other people, and rented a condo in our complex for the weekend.  
Gail and I tried to remember why we did not do that sort of thing when we were young.  I guess life just did not allow us to be that foot loose and fancy free.
There are a lot more people on the beach because of this concert and a lot of activity in town that is associated with it.  We walked down to the other end of the beach with a couple we have met here from Tennessee to listen to some "free' reggae music.  There was a guy at the hotel CopaCabana who had his reggae sound going loud and strong.
Reggae Music
People were spread around the grounds listening.
Reggae Crowd
There was the aroma of sweet incense in the air and people were dancing to the music.
Dancing to Reggae
One young lady was swaying with her hula hoop.  In fact, there was a whole group using hula hops and a stick attached to a string that they some how swirled about.
Hula Hoop Dancer
We were a bit more sedate.
Concert Goers
It was fun watching the people and some of the fashions.  This is a hooded bathing suit cover up.

 This is a holster type fanny pack.
 This is a beach towel over the head.
After the concert we walked to the other end of the beach.  It was after 5:00 and the sun sets here at about 5:30.  Because of the clouds, we knew it was going to be pretty.
Reggae Sunset
 As we arrived at our hotel we saw a couple having dinner on the beach.  The guy (obviously) had arranged to have balloons and candles laid out around the table.
Romantic Dinner

Unfortunately it is difficult to find much privacy on the beach.  But it looked like they were totally oblivious to the bar and trash cans in the background.
Romantic Dinner

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