Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jaco Town

I thought it might be interesting to try to show what the town of Jaco is like.  
To do this I decided to take some pictures as we went on our shopping trip today.  It was quite interesting as I was taking pictures while riding the bicycle.  It wasn't until we got home that we actually saw whether the pictures came out.  I will try to use some of the best ones.
As we leave our condo complex we ride down a street that seems pretty rural.
Road To Town
 We pass two Cashew trees.  The actual cashew nut grows at the end of the "Cashew Apple".
This is pretty unusual that the nut grows on the outside.  There is only one Cashew Nut per apple which explains why these are so expensive.
As we continue we pass by a school for young children (preschool, I am guessing).  All schools, including the university, are closed now for "summer vacation".  The kids have been out for about two months already but will go back soon.
Preschool Entrance

Goaing a little further we pass the tennis court--
Tennis Court
several police stations, a medical clinic, and the local Red Cross office.
Red Cross Office
We try to ride our bikes in the direction the traffic is going but there are numbered parking spots on the one side of the street so we stay inside those which gives us a lot of room.  People here have no problem texting while driving.
Parking Spots

Next we come to the fish market.

We saw the street cleaning crew which consisted of two guys with bicycles that were attached to small carts full of trash they had collected and one guy with a gas powered leaf blower blowing the small trash off the street and into the gutter.

Finally, we got to the main part of town.
Main Street
The street is wide and traffic runs pretty smooth.  There are more motorcycles and bicycles than we are used to but everyone seems courteous and generally careful. (Above the street you can see they still have their Christmas decorations up.)
The sidewalks are very wide

with the normal types of stores like drug stores and hardware stores.
Drug Store

Hardware Store

And LOTS of cafes.

Sidewalk Cafe

Sidewalk Cafe

We are almost at the grocery store...

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