Friday, January 10, 2014

Farmers Market

Today,and every Friday, is Farmers Market Day.  The location is pretty much on the beach and only a few blocks towards town from our condo.  It starts at 8:00 am and lasts until 4:00 pm, or until they run out of produce.  We went around 9:00 am, that's about as early as we can get around--Gail sleeps in and "piddles".  We rode our new bicycles equipped with our new baskets.  We surely looked like excellent Farmers Market customers.
We were very impressed with the amount and quality of the fruit and vegetables they had.  I was surprised that a number of the vendors were Amish.
Tents at the Farmers Market
Most of the produce was under cover of some sort and, although it was early in the morning, the tents helped with the heat.

There were green vegetables.
Onions and all kinds of stuff

Lettuce, etc.

There were red vegetables.



And white vegetables.

They had just about any kind of vegetable you could name.

And all kinds of fruit too.  

Even the Iguana liked the watermelon.

The strawberries and pineapple (about $1.50 each) were just excellent.


Of course Gail bought quite a selection including onions, and cilantro, green beans (50 cents a pound), pineapple and Jalapeno peppers.  
Gail buying peppers
In addition to their vegetables and fruit, the Amish also had some tents with homemade bread and cookies, etc.  There were a few local people selling jewelry, some meat although we were told not to buy the meat there, sweets, and orange slush that looked really good.
Orange Slush

Overall, it was really a good experience, inexpensive, and we look forward to replenishing our supply of fresh fruit and vegetable every Friday.

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