Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Gail and I try to play tennis at least three times a week.  There is only one court so you have to reserve it in advance but it only costs $5 an hour.  It is in town but has a small creek running across the back and a large stand of bamboo on one side.
Tennis Court
The one end has trees that over hang the court and sometimes Iguanas and the Macaws from the restaurant across the street come to watch us play.
Watching Us Play Tennis

 This does create a problem that we have to play around.
Poop On The Court
Gail is tenacious.
Gail 1

Gail 2

Gail 3

Gail 4
 Me--I'm just there to give her target practice and try to, once in a while, hit it back to her.

Larry 1

Larry 2

Larry 3

Larry 4
We always play early in the morning (8:00 am) but it does get hot by the time we finish so we take a lot of water breaks.
Water Break
It really is good exercise, burns a lot of calories, and it does so much to build Gail's ego.

1 comment:

  1. How to reserve the court and where is the court located?
    Best Regards
