Sunday, February 2, 2014

Surfing Contest #2

Yesterday we went back to Hermosa Beach and the Backyard Bar and Restaurant for the weekly surfing contest.  We went with Gus and Carol MacDonald, a couple we met from Canada--of all places.  The reason we went back is because the high tide was at 4:00 pm, exactly when the contest starts, and the waves were to be the highest of any that are going to be happening in the time we have left here--10 feet.  I wanted to see if I could get some better pictures of the surfers.
We arrived a little early so we could get a front row seat.

The waves were big and the surfers were flying, as predicted.

The sun sets at a little after 5:30 and the surfing continues until a little after 6:00.
The sunset was one of those that has the small clouds in the sky that the sun seems to just light up.

And then the afterglow changes colors.

It was a good night and home early--Super Bowl tomorrow.

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