Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Miro Mountain

At the South end of our beach is Miro mountain.  It's not a big mountain.  A lot of the more energetic people climb it almost every day.  They say there are Macaws, Toucans, monkeys, parrots, and even jaguars up there.  There are also some relics of a hotel someone started to build at one time.
Miro Mountain Relics
While Chuck and Sharon Cobbs were here visiting, we decided to climb Miro Mountain.  From the very beginning we could tell it was going to be some good exercise.
As we walked up the road there was a concrete wall on one side of the path that had been etched with various animals found in the area.
Wall of Etchings

These included everything from Toucans to Jaguars.


And some we were not even sure what they were.

This wall went on for quite a ways.  It supposedly was made by the guy who began building the hotel.  
When we finally made it up to the structure of the hotel ruins, it was pretty amazing.


As we continued up the mountain the views of Jaco and the beach in front of our condo complex were fantastic.
At the very top of the mountain is a station for the local zip lining company.  We made it all the way to the top but it was pretty exhausting.  After a rest, we started our descent.
At the bottom of these steps, Sharon let out a whispered yell.  We all gathered around to see what she had found.  YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE--it was one of the rare black and green poisonous dart frogs.
Rare Black and Green Poisonous Dart Frog

Sharon had redeemed herself.

I wish I had a way to contact Armando, our Guide at Carara, and tell him where he could come and find this rare creature.

We will definitely go back up the mountain to see what other creatures we can find.

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