Saturday, February 8, 2014

Neo Fauna Butterflies

There are 14,000 species of butterflies in Costa Rica.  Obviously, the Neo Fauna butterfly farm could not have them all.  However, they did have some very beautiful and interesting ones.  
As we entered the butterfly house, we could see butterflies flitting all around us.
Butterfly Enclosure
The enclosure was probably about 30' by 50' and filled with all kinds of plants.  Josymar, our guide, said the plants were specifically chosen for the butterflies and not for any kind of decoration.
There were some very strange looking caterpillars.
One of the first butterflies Josymar pointed out was the Owl Butterfly.
There is an owl "eye" on each of the wings. When it flies, it looks like owl eyes.  Also, if you look closely at the end of the wing, it looks like a snake.  These markings deter predators.  
Predators of butterflies include birds, frogs, rats, lizards and iguanas, spiders, and even monkeys.  Most of these predators are afraid of owls and snakes.

I am not sure what kind of butterfly this is.  I just liked the vibrant orange color with the red flower.
Orange Butterfly

This is a Tiger Butterfly.
This is a Zebra butterfly although somewhat different than the Zebra butterfly that is the state butterfly of Florida.
But, the most beautiful butterfly of all is the Blue Morpho.
Blue Morpho Butterfly
The beautiful blue coloring of the Morpho butterfly is not due to pigmentation.  There are microscopic layers of scales on the wings that reflect light.  These scales are only on the top of the wing.  The bottom of the wing is brown so that when it stops flying it can hardly be seen.
Blue Morpho at rest
The caterpillars from which the Blue Morpho develop are interesting.  They are reddish brown in color with lime green and yellow spots.  They have little hairs that are irritating to human skin and, when touched, they emit an odor like rancid butter.  
After the butterfly hatches, it will only live for two to three weeks. Because of their unique glowing blue wings, these butterflies are reared in mass in certain parts of the world and their wings are used in jewelry and as inlays in woodworking.
They really are beautiful.
Beautiful Blue Morpho

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