Thursday, February 13, 2014


If you have seen the movie Jurassic Park, you will no doubt remember the little gecko looking creatures that were cute but deadly.
Jurassic park

There are similar little creatures that are quite prevalent around here and are seen every day.
They are definitely cute and I understand they are not a threat to humans unless you are cooked by the sun and covered with Coppertone.
There are larger iguanas all over the place as well.  This one shows up every day at about 4:00 in the tree right outside our condo.  
Iguana in the Trees

They can be found in the grass also.
Iguanas in the grass
And there is one that is at the pool every day.
Our pool buddy

There are basically two categories of iguanas--green and black. These two were sunning themselves on the roof of the shed below our condo.
Black and Green Iguanas
The main difference between the two types is that the green iguanas are vegetarians while the black iguanas will eat most anything. There is a papaya tree next to the pool.  When the papayas get ripe, the iguanas have a feast.  (This picture was taken by our friends the MacDonalds.)
Iguana eating papaya

It is interesting to note in this picture how they have changed their color on the part of the body that is closest to the orange part of the papaya.  They really do get into eating these papayas.
Closeup eating the papaya
Ahhh, one contented iguana.
Iguana after eating papaya
If you get right down to it---they really are quite ugly!

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